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Browsing Archive: August, 2012

The Realest Sh*t Ever: What These B*tches Do Wrong! *BY aMY0kaila1 08/26/2011

Posted by BOOGIE145 BOOGIE145 on Saturday, August 4, 2012,

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* SaVE a LITTLE LOVE 4 HER......via..Mia Ward

Posted by Mia Ward on Saturday, August 4, 2012, In : SCRIPS 

via.... Mia Ward

WHATEVER you give a WOMAN, she will MAKE it GREATER..
Give her SPERM, she will give you a BABY..
Give her a HOUSE, she will give you a HOME
..Give her GROCERIES, she will give you a MEAL
..Give her LOVE, and she will give you her HEART!
So, if you GIVE her CRAP,
SHIT!!! ....d(®_®)b™

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Ordinarily-Extraordinary:Lita's*_ L.O.V.E

Posted by Lita_L.O.V.E on Saturday, August 4, 2012, In : SCRIPS 

- words from my Brooklyn bedroom


Ever had someone tell you LOVE is a dangerous feeling, LOVE makes you do crazy things?? Yess, well me too, it's only now that I realize how true that really is.

Is it possible to LOVE somebody, sincerely LOVE somebody yet not want to share your life with them? Can you LOVE from afar, from the other side of the room? I mean, it's ok to LOVE somebody but not want to be with them right? Or does that not make any sense?

I'm full of questions at this hou...

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INST MSGS 1: My Women - A Craigslist Dramatization By :Instant Messages

Posted by Instant Messages on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : SCRIPS 

MY WOMEN: A crass, crude but at times poignant Craigslist ode to love and ex's.
DICTIONARY FOR DECODING: Based on a Craigslist rant: Harry the puppet teaches you how to read between the lines of an online personals ad.

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Posted by ANGELA YEE on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : SCRIPS 



I was reading page six in the NY Post today (and by the way, I hate reading this pro McCain paper, their news is ridiculously biased so this may be my last time picking it up) and there was a mention about the new Coen brothers movie "Burn After Reading."  Apparently, George Clooney is a sex addict and he brings along 2 toys with him called the "Liberator Ramp" and the "Silky."  The sales for these items are on the rise because of this movie, and I nev...

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@arnellelozada -> The Bigger Picture.

Posted by arnellelozada on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : SCRIPS 

I've been through my share of heartbreak, but I've also been through my share of utter joy. I've had my overdoses of pain and anguish, but I've also had my overdoses of laughter and smiles. I've had those sleepless nights where you lay lifeless but awake, waiting for that person to call. I've also had the best night's sleep because that person was laying in bed right next to me. I've felt my chest cave in, but I've had those breaths of fresh air. I've felt the nausea that manifests whe...

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Posted by Ms.T on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : SCRIPS 
SinceTheresNothingElse2Do I decided to write a love letter, the only problem is where do I send it? But maybe just maybe You will read it here :)

Every day I think of You while every night I dream of You, tossing and turning in my bed, heart racing, sweat pouring thoughts of You get to me everytime. People will never understand why I love You but it isnt a "thing" for people to understand. This "thing" called "love" isnt always real but with You its all ...

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